Site 52 is a small containment and research site located in Iceland. Our facility acquires a new anomaly about once every month, and at our highest capacity we have housed 14 anomalous persons on site at a time. Due to the small size of our building and staff, our anomalies are housed in their containment units with up to two other ‘roommates’. We’ve found this method to be very enriching for our anomalies, and it has led to only a handful of violent incidents - all of which were caused by the same subject. Site 52 is currently looking forward to a potential funding increase which would allow us to expand and better study our anomalies.
To find information on the anomalous beings living in Site 52, click on the SCP Catalogue. See the employee directory if you’d like to locate or learn more about the staff working at Site 52. The Groups of Interest tab can provide more information on the anomalous groups known to be active in or around our site. If you have had any recent contact with memory altering anomalies, see the current timeline tab to refresh your knowledge of recent history.
The website admin is working quickly to restore missing pages for Site 19 and Site 52. Expect large updates to be coming to the index soon. For a complete list of updates, see the change log. If you encounter any serious errors with the website or have changes/additions to contribute to the index, party members know where I live.