Located deep in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, Site 19 is one of the largest containment and research sites in the United States. Our facility houses over 20 containment units, multiple research labs, a center for carefully shipping and receiving anomalous items, and even our own kitchen that makes our famous Site 19 hotdogs. At Site 19, we are proud to be successfully containing some of the most deadly anomalies known to the SCP Foundation, as well as performing cutting edge research on those that may be beneficial to the world. As always, Site 19 hopes to make even further progress in the effective containment and study of these dangerous anomalies.
To find information on the anomalous items and beings contained within Site 19, click on the SCP Catalogue. See the employee directory if you’d like to locate or learn more about the staff working at Site 19. The Groups of Interest tab can provide more information on the anomalous groups known to be active in or around our site. If you have had any recent contact with memory altering anomalies, see the current timeline tab to refresh your knowledge of recent history.
The website admin is working quickly to restore missing pages for Site 19 and Site 52. Expect large updates to be coming to the index soon. For a complete list of updates, see the change log. If you encounter any serious errors with the website or have changes/additions to contribute to the index, party members know where I live.