Doctor Penta
Character name is ‘Dr.Penta’ although it has been discovered that this is an alias provided by The United Fifthist Church. Her true name is Violet Macnamera.
Violet is of average height at approximately 5’5’’ with fair skin and an average build. She has medium straight brown hair and generally wears a researcher’s uniform with thin glasses. After an incident at Site 19, she now is missing her left hand and emits a harsh pink glow.
Violet is a Fifthist in the truest sense of the word. Truly devoted to reaching the 5th dimension through any means necessary. Deeply devoted to this belief and convinced she will be a hero if she is able to do so. Passionate, driven, and aggressive if necessary. There is no stopping nor distracting her from reaching her goal.
Heavy Fifthist influence and shelter deep within Fifthist cultures.
Early Life
Fifthist ideal drilled into her constantly and she dove even deeper into it.
Foundation researcher at Site 19 with a focus on SCP 3005 AKA ‘A light That Died’.
Site 19 Infiltration
With the help of [REDACTED], Violet was able to infiltrate the facility with no credentials through her Fifthist connections. She adopted her alias at this time and began her research.
Site 19 Attack
After being apprehended by a security guard while trying to unlock SCP 3005, the facility came under attack and she was left in her observation room. Others came that shut off 3005 and left her there with a hot dog only. She freed herself by cutting off her hand, and attempted to enter 3005, reacting violently with it. She went on a rampage in Site 19 chasing after the surviving foundation staff and D-class.
Generally hostile towards all sentient life but believes she is helping.
Hector Albrecht
Betrayed by a supposed Fifthist, vows revenge.
Other Party Members
Hatred of stopping her plan.
Skills and Abilities
Violet may supposedly be connected to the Fifth Plane of Existence?
Spells/Class abilities
- The Fifth Plane - Violet erases any trace of anything that enters her pink light. Possibly transporting them or outright killing them. This is unknown.
Passive abilities
- Constant Pink Light - Seems to keep her alive despite grievous injury
- “I can save you… I can SAVE ALL OF YOU”
- “I am your salvation!”
- Violet was let into the foundation by bribing the head of shipping and receiveing with a powerful Fifthist Book titled “Occultism, Manipulation, and Their Uses in the Workplace”
- In exchange for her position, Violet was made to choose an alias incorporating 5 somehow, hence Dr.Penta