Character name is “Allistar,” although it’s suspected this is just an alias. His real name is currently unknown.
Standing at 5’4”, and only weighing 125 Lbs, Allistar is quite small compared to those around him. His skin is very pale, and can be seen wearing both D- Class and research uniforms. His eyes are a light gray color, with a large, deep red burn surrounding his right one. His hair is a dark, metallic silver, it is unknown if this is natural or not. Both arms and both legs appear to have been replaced with steampunk style robotic limbs. These are a brown/ bronze color, and their origins are unknown.
Allistar is a defunct member of the Church of the Broken God. Although he still believes that machinery is the true way to progress the world, his beliefs that people can still keep their humanity and believe in the cause is what caused him to separate from the official church. Allistar is a very confident person, and can often be very sarcastic and condescending to those around him. This is matched by his speaking skills, which he’s able to use to swoon and swindle those around him. He keeps his goals close to his chest, and only works with others if he deems it truly necessary to move forward.
Very little is truly known about Allistar’s past. Certain events are known, but only in vague detail.
Early Life
Born into an abusive Mechanite family, Allistar enduring years of religious torture from a young age. His parents, along with the church, would lash, burn, waterboard and attempt to forcibly modify his body for years.
Estranged from his previous life, Allistar lays low, and practices his beliefs, while committing heinous crimes to Sarkites, under the radar of most.
Death of Parents
It is unknown when, but Allistar’s parents (who were entirely unrecognizable upon discovery) were murdered in an alleged Sarkite attack.
Sarkite Church Attack/Arrest
Evidence was found that suggested Allistar’s involvement in an attack on a church that killed 19 Sarkites. His years of cyber crimes were uncovered, leading to his arrest. He was sentenced to life as a D- Class in Site 19.
Site- 19 Attack
Allistar was serving his sentence when a breakout occurred at Site-19. While he worked with a group of survivors, they attempted to use SCP- 2000 to reverse the RED SUN event. Allistar also used this to gain information, and plan how he would proceed with his plans in the future.
Comes off as distant and secluded, but generally not hostile unless provoked.
Hector Albrecht
Sees potential in his intellect, and hopes to work with him more in the future.
Scissors and Lacey Styne
Unlikely teammates, Allistar views them as helpful for survival, but not his ultimate goal.
Vauquelin Oorzhak and Mr. Dark
Reluctantly worked with them to aid survival during Site- 19. Contains a deep seeded distrust of the Daeva culture. Thinks slightly higher of Oorzhak than Dark, but still has no plans to ever speak with them outside of when it is necessary. Has gotten into multiple violent conflicts with them.
Pure hatred, and wants to see her suffer a painful death. Allistar is disgusted by her and her beliefs, and acts very hostile towards her, eventually becoming very violent and confrontational.
Robert Marshall
A business partner, and fellow Mechanite, Allistar enjoys his company and was happy to try and work together. Despite having potential different end goals, he thought Marshal to be a great ally, especially if they moved forward together.
Skills and Abilities
Skills: Speaking, technology/ programming, dexterity, distractions, lying/ detecting lies
Spells/Class abilities
- Detect Lie, Hide Lie, Fake Surrender, What’s That?, Impersonation, Maddening Whispers, Menace, Rally, Gibberish, You’re Fine
Background abilities
- WiFi Connection, The Voice of Mekhane
Passive abilities
- Rehearse
Notable Items
While Allistar does want to locate the pieces of the Broken God, it is unsure if his goals truly align with the church in doing so
- Machinery/Technology
- Cloudy weather
- Classical music
- Data/Networks
- Money
- Keeping to himself
- Sarkites/Daevites
- Flesh, blood and viscera
- Rain
- Crowds/Loud places
- Being lied to
- “Filthy Flesh Mongrel”- Said to Carter during an altercation
- “This worthless FLESH BODY!”- Said after being attacked by Vauquelin, using SCP- 035
- Allistar enjoys the outdoors, but only when it is cloudy and cool
- While having relationships in his past, Allistar considers himself as Asexual/ Aromantic
- Allistar is ambidextrous